The V-Net Malaysia 2008
Venue: Penang International Sports Arena (PISA)
Date: 20th May 08 to 25th May 08
In the period indicated above, TH IT and our business partner have embarked on a very big event ever held in PISA.
The event is organised by THE -V. The V is an international company specializes in providing network marketing, training, network development and management company. More than 2 million business leaders have been trained by them worldwide.
Equipment rented:
55 units of HP Core 2 duo 2.0 to 2.2 GHz desktop computer with 19" LCD monitors.
6 units of WI FI router
6 units of WI FI router
6 units of 24 ports 3Com switch.
1 unit of IBM X235 Xeon 3.06 GHz server
Network cable installed: 6 boxes of 305 m each, total to 1830 m cable length.
Internet connectivity:
Interface with incoming:
2x 2 Mbps lease line, going through Cisco router and Red Box firewall.
Light speed confirmation
The enquiry comes in with very demanding requirement whereby all 55 pcs required must be Intel Core 2 Duo models. Within 3 hours of negotiation, TH IT concluded the order on Thursday night (15 May 08), leaving only 1 working day (Friday, 16 May 08) for us to replenish stock with brand new stock from HP computers.
Thanks to our most capable and long term business partner, Delteq, we obtained our brand new 40 units of PC on Friday with just few hours of notice. It is this kind of strong business relationship we have with Delteq that I can guarantee our customer 1 day is enough for us to bring in 40 units brand new HP computer. My greatest gratitude to all the staff from Delteq who work hard with us all this while.
Briefly the spec of the pcs we brought in comprise of:
28 units of
HP DX2700 Core 2 Duo 2.2 GHz,
1 GB mem, 160 GB hdd, DVD RW,
19" LCD monitor
Gigabit network interface
Win XP PRO/Vista Business
12 units of
HP 7400 Core 2 Duo 2.83 GHz
1 GB mem, 160 GB hdd, DVD RW,
19" LCD monitor,
Gigabit network interface,
PCI-e x16 interface
WIN XP PRO/Vista Business
All the PCs together with some existing stock were got ready over the weekend with friends and my children's assistance (It's school holiday)
The set up
With our 1 tonne lorry almost fully loaded, on 19 May 08 (which is Wesak Day, public holiday in Malaysia) we arrived PISA Penang at around 2 pm. Strait away we started with the set up for the most important registration counter. 33 units of PC need to be set up immediately for the following day's registration.
Our customer is very pleased and impressed because every monitor and pc is brand new! However our greatest challenge came from the cabling. The incoming lease lines are located quite far away and we have to run 2 cables each measuring about 130 m to the switch at the registration counter.
The other challenges are:
1) All the PCs required by the exhibition booths in PISA's concourse area need to be connected with cable and they are located all around. The total perimeter length of PISA concourse area is about 800 m!
2) The whole area need to be covered with WI FI and the internet access need to go through the Cisco router.
3) The concourse area is located at level 3 and 2 cables need to be run to level 2 to 2 different room and set up WI FI connection. Each cable measuring about 100 m.
We are very proud to say that the whole job is completed within 2 days and 2 nights with the following gratitude goes towards to:
1) Our customer and their staff who are very understanding and cooperative.
2) All the TH IT's dedicated staff
3) Our partners and friends from Penang.
Some snap shots about the event:

For professional and reliable computer rental services, please visit TH IT's official web site at:
For a list of our quality ex-rental products for sale, please visit
To find out more about The V, please visit: