Malaysia Water Festival - Langkawi 2008
3 Apr 08 to 5 Apr 08
1 Apr 08, our order is 10 pc, 1 multi-function copier, internet access for all the PCs. Upon confirmation of our order, we quickly make preparation to send the equipment to Langkawi. We have done Langkawi before during the Langkawi International Dialogue 2004 but then we outsource the transportation job. This time we plan to send ourselves since it is not really a heavy load.
I have assigned the job to our assistant manager from the Technical Department, Mr. Chan Yih Farn. He will drive the company vehicle Toyota Unser 1.8 to Langkawi.
Transportation consideration
Learnt from the lesson from my last trip to Penang for the Career Fair there, we decided to give our value client a free upgrade to all notebooks. By doing this the Unser will not be seen as fully loaded with a lot of computers and hence reduce the risk of getting traffic summon for transporting goods in a non-commercial vehicle.
Cargo Ferry Services to Langkawi
Langkawi is a beautiful island within the state of Kedah Darul Aman. Their official working days are from Saturday to Thursday in which time Thursday they work half day. Langkawi is also a duty free island and therefore all equipments going into Langkawi needs to be declared to the custom office there.
All vehicle need to check in one day earlier
All vehicle going to Langkawi needs to arrive at the cargo ferry jetty 1 day earlier to check in to the carrying barge. Everyday they will only make 1 trip and the trip takes about 8 hours. The jetty is located at Kuala Kedah.
The media centre will need to be set up by 2nd Apr 08. To achieve this Yih Farn will have to reach Kuala Kedah by 12 pm 1 Apr 08. He left at about 3 am on 1 Apr 08 and reached Kuala Kedah at about 9.30 am.
He was told to leave the vehicle at the assembly point and the operator will drive it into the barge. The key will be passed to the captain and no one will be responsible for the goods carried in the vehicle!
After the handing over of the vehicle to the transport company, Yih Farn cannot follow the barge, he has to take a passenger ferry separately to Langkawi and collect his vehicle from the jetty at Langkawi at Tanjung Limbung the next day morning!
Same procedure on return
Same procedure apply when return from Langkawi. All equipment need to be packed and loaded into the vehicle, drive to jetty and leave it to the barge operator. Yih Farn has to take passenger ferry separately and collect his vehicle from Kuala Kedah the next day morning.
A successful experience
Learnt from our previous experience to various places, our job to Langkawi is a total success! We don't get any summon, no delay, all equipment are in good working condition, our client has no complain.
Our client's testimony:
Dear Lee,
Thank you for the media centre in Langkawi, it was good.. I have no complaints! Chan was excellent.
However, now I need quotations for equipment in Labuan .
We are having the second part of the Water Fest in Labuan from 25-27 April.
Can you give me a quotation for the same things as in Langkawi, but this time for Labuan .
Thank you!!
Amirah Alkaff
Related links:
For Malaysia Water Festival Website:
For TH IT's write up on Malaysia Water Festival - Labuan
For Langkawi Water Festival photo gallery
For Labuan Water Festival photo gallery
For profeesional computer rental services:
Sunday, April 27, 2008
Malaysia Water Festival - Langkawi 2008
Labels: Malaysia Water Festival 2008
Saturday, April 26, 2008
TH IT at Malaysia Water Festival - Labuan
25 to 27 Apri 08
After the Langkawi Water Fest, we were very happy to continue to work with our client to set up media centre at Labuan.
We were ordered to deliver 10 notebooks, 1 fax, 1 copier and 1 printer plus the setting up of the media centre with internet access.
Creative packing
Since I will be going with the client alone and we made a special arrangement with our agent in Labuan for the fax, copier and printer. Whereas all the notebooks and networking equipment will be hand carried myself. The question is HOW? What is the best method?
After we got our order confirmation, we have only 1 day left to prepare. All our notebooks are already ready because our normal work flow procedure will always get them ready after every rental job. But do we still have enough time to get a shipping agent to do for us? Will all the cargo be able to arrive Labuan on time on 24 Apr 08?
Worried of the shipping problem to Pattaya will repeat, I decided the best approach is hand carry myself. However, to hand carry, I have to change our packing method. Last year we packed to Dubai, we use the HP 17” CRT monitor box. Each box can only put in 3 laptop with the laptop bags, that means I will have to handle 4 of those big bulky boxes myself, plus my own luggage it will be more! That is too many for me to handle!
Well, I have been thinking, we don’t really need to bring the laptop bag right? All the notebooks will be set up at the media centre and there will not be any movement required. So I bought a customize hard carrying case and 1 roll of bubble bag.

Hiccups at the LCCT terminal
Morning 6.45 am 24 Apr 08, we were checking in at the LCCT terminal. After we have placed the case with 11 notebooks inside on the weighing belt at the check in counter, it weighs 54 kg! The check in operator told us,
Take note everybody: Max load per bag allowed to check in to the air craft
“Max load for each luggage is limited to 32 kg! I would not allow you to check this in. This luggage should be sent by cargo service!”
Alamak, what is this? Something that I worried happened. When I made my ticket booking, I was trying to find out is there any max limit to the weight and size of the luggage we can carry. I search all over the web site of Air Asia and don’t find any clue of this tiny piece of information. Since I was very busy the night before, I gave up and proceed to do some other important thing(One of my relative pass away).
“This information is printed in the terms and conditions section when you purchase the ticket online.” Soft spoken operator told me. “May be you don’t read it carefully in detail, but I really can’t check you in!”
Printed in small letter and arranged in a very boring text mode, I guess many people will click “Yes, I have read the terms and conditions and I accept.” Without actually reading it. After all you have to accept it in order for you to buy your ticket online, that leaves you with no choice at all so why border reading it!” So I am one of these people (next time should read all the terms and conditions carefully) I was trying to search this information all over the AirAsia’s web site but couldn’t get and yet it is hiding inside the terms and conditions section.
I don’t want to blame AirAsia for this but I just think for a better presentation of CRITICAL information, it should be high lighted and make it very obvious and very eye catchy. For something which I have learnt “What is common knowledge to one not necessarily so for the others. Therefore you can’t assume everybody know what he is suppose to know. So if somebody asks you a weird question, you have to answer that politely or display it clearly especially if this information is so important if violated one will not be able to proceed further!” For example, nowadays we cannot bring any liquid base product into the aircraft and this message is highlighted very clearly every where in the airport and in the website but just not this one on max weight. May be so far, they don’t have so much problem on passenger trying to carry 50 kgs goods in one case and trying to check in, but isn't this information so important that if one can't solve this problem on the spot, like what I have experienced, his whole schedule will be affected.
So, I have to deal with the unexpected incident very quickly because we don’t have much time left. The suggestion offered by the operator was, check in the case in the afternoon cargo flight. To do that it means I have to stay back and reschedule the equipment deliveries and there is still a lot of things to settle, full of uncertainty and the goods may only reach mid night or may reach on 25 April 2008, by which time we will not be able to meet the targeted set up date line.
But the operator’s word, “Max 32 kg per case” gave me a clue, I just need to reduce the weight but I didn’t bring any extra case! Luckily the chocolate shop in the airport has nice and relatively solid case for sale. I quickly rush to the shop (2 times), pleading emergency I bag the pardon of the queued customers to let me pay first, I finally got 2 bags and manage to check in all except for the last bag which I got in the second time. Luckily I still can hand carry that one into the cabin.
For Malaysia Water Festival Website:
For Langkawi Water Festival photo gallery
For Labuan Water Festival photo gallery
For profeesional computer rental services:
Photo gallery:

Round Island Kayaking Champion
Labels: Malaysia Water Festival 2008
Malaysia Water Festival 2008 - Introduction
Starting from the beginning of Apr 08, organised by the Ministry of Tourism Malaysia, the 11th King of Malaysia has revived the 9th edition of the Malaysia Water Festival which will take place in Langkawi and Labuan respectively.
TH IT is honoured to ge selected as the IT vendor to assist in setting up the media centre of each event.
I would like to take this opportunity to express our sincere thanks to the organiser and our client for given us this golden opportunity to participate in all these important international events.
Below is our record of our experience in these events:
TH IT at Malaysia Water Festival - Langkawi from 3 to 5 Apr 08
TH IT at Malaysia Water Festival - Labuan from 25 to 27 Apr 08
Other related links:
For Malaysia Water Festival:
For Langkawi Water Festival photo gallery
For Labuan Water Festival photo gallery
For professional computer rental services:
Labels: Malaysia Water Festival 2008